Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oscars 2007

Last Sunday I met with some Pittsburgher friends to watch the Oscar parade on television. They decided to bet on the competitors, for each category. We filled the Excel sheet they had prepared (wow!) and we all put 1 $: the first and only prize was a free access to the movie theater. I had actually seen only a half of the movies “in the arena”, so I didn’t bet at all in several minor categories. The only movie I had really enjoyed was Babel, by Alehandro Gonzales Inarritu: so, if you have followed the Oscars, you can imagine which could have been my final ranking. I ended up to be the last one classified out of about 15 people (only 8% of right guesses). Which other possible justifications besides the bed result of Babel? I could comment, paralleling Aesop’s tell “The fox and the grapes”, that I am not really interested in the Oscars – and yes I do really prefer European film festivals! – : in facts, I spent half of the Oscar night playing table tennis in the basement with a couple of other guys.

Shortcuts of my impressions about this Oscar edition: The Departed, by Martin Scorsese, was a fair movie. Good idea, well directed, good rhythm, but the last 10 minutes spoiled the entire picture. And I think it’s a limited movie, lacking of an own weltanschauung, of a more broad meaning or message. I really appreciated the performance of Leo Di Caprio, who unfortunately didn’t win (I generally like Forrest Whitaker, but I didn’t watch “The last king of Scotland). Scorsese is a great director, and he had to get the prize, that’s it! Babel was not very new in his format (and it seemed to me less perfect than “Crash”), but had a human tension and was very well built. Little Miss Sunshine was a very nice little movie, even if I found it kind of slow in some parts. I have not seen Pan’s Labyrinth, by Guillermo Del Toro, which got several prizes as well, and I haven't watched yet An inconvenient truth, by Al Gore. Did you?

Anyway, I really don’t know if you cared about my opinion…if you didn’t, let’s hear yours!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Les Invasions Barbares

By Denys Arcand. Quebec (Canada), 2003. Drama. 99'.

Directed by Denys Arcand, this Quebecois movie won the 2003 Oscar award to best foreign language film. Following the last days of a womanizer college professor suffering from cancer, the film develops a story about live, friendship, family and the troubled moments of those sixty some who face ageing and death after a live of joy and soul-searching.

Oblidant que el cinema és un mitjà fonamentalment visual, en Denys Arcand té l’encert de construir aquesta pel·lícula entorn el diàleg. D’aquesta manera, la història dels últims dies d’un professor universitari progre i hedonista, ens regala converses delicioses a l’alçada dels diàlegs de “Martin (H)”, un film d’Adolfo Aristarain amb el que té paral·lels evidents.

El personatge central de “Les Invasions Barbares” és Remy, un professor universitari que retrata perfectament l’intel·lectual de tercera fila, compromès amb ell mateix, que habita en massa les universitats europees i americanes. Malalt de càncer en fase terminal, el fill “yuppie” amb qui té una relació difícil, arriba de Londres per facilitar els darrers dies de vida del pare. Amics, ex-amants i família, giren entorn el llit del malalt, conversant sobre la vida i la mort, resumint en algunes frases brillants el desconcert ideològic i vital de finals del segle XX davant el sentit de l’existència.

Una obra recomanable que combina ironia, realitat i dramatisme, amb l’habilitat d’encabir-ho tot en poc més de noranta minuts de bon cinema.

Frase destacada (aproximada) : “Hem sigut de tot: indepentistes, sobiranistes, socialistes, marxistes, leninistes, maoistes, estructuralistes, situacionistes... només ens falta ser: CRETINISTES!”.

Monday, February 12, 2007


A different point of view about the same movie reviewed by Dawood some days ago. You can try to compare! Sorry, it was impossible to translate it from Romanesco dialect!

Recinzione di Johnny Palomba (link)

cestà uregazzeto rincoiionito peruvano che và avvive incittà essepenza io sò nartista incredibbile eallora poi va drento anufficio affà lefotocopie eppoi allora infatti sengarella della vicinadecasa perché è rincoiionita pure lei chenfatti è pure morto artistica allora poi lui sesogna deecose che umpo' sò vere e umpo' forse e umpo' no e umpo' sì eppoi fà delle invenzioni incredibbili tipo lascatoletta detonno modificata ercicciobbello ripieno deviti lasmart decartone eallora poi la regazzetta ie dice aregazzetto peruvano atté tevoiio bene massei troppo rincoiionito e nunzò seteposso amà perché te teconfonni tra la reartà e limmagginamento chenzomma magari popo mò che testòapparlà magari nunè manco vero. allora erperuvano ie dice osai checcè? allora pessicurezza namano in caciara telametto lostesso.micuggina seammucchiata couno inunsogno. mò infatti sotto lapanza cià uncuscino.

trentagennarodumileccincue(Holiday 20.20 centrosinistra. Con il consueto odore di traghetto che ha questo cinema

This one and other Recinzioni at the Johnny Palomba's website (in www.fandango.it)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Forum: contemporary italian movies

After Dav’s post I was wondering if Italian cinema is dead…this is something that we repeat very often, in a typical Italian attitude. And I think it’s not! The best 5 movies of this century I could remember off the top of my head…feel free to comment, to suggest different movies and your personal ranking...in the language you prefer, of course!

1) "Le conseguenze dell’amore", Paolo Sorrentino (2005)
International titol: The consequences of love

2) "L’ora di religione (il sorriso di mia madre)", Marco Bellocchio (2002)
European title: The religion hour
International titol: The religion hour (my mother’s smile), or only My mother’s smile

3) "I cento passi", Marco Tullio Giordana (2000)
Canadian title: One hundred steps
International title: The hundred steps

4) "L’imbalsamatore", Matteo Garrone (2002)
International title: not found

5) "La meglio gioventù", Marco Tullio Giordana (2003)
International title: The best of youth

Friday, February 2, 2007


by Bill Condon. Beyonce Knowles, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Danny Glover, Jennifer Hudson. DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount Pictures, USA 2006. Gen. Musical / Drama, 131'.

The tribute to the modern American popular music is becoming trendy: Dreamgirls shortly follows “Radio America”, by Robert Altman, who started this movie genre in 1975 with “Nashville”. Dreamgirls, adapted by a Broadway musical, is the story of the Supreme, leaded by Diana Ross, and in general of the renaissance of the Soul music in the ’60. A picture of the rise and fall of the protagonists of that era. The songs are too many, but the music is more exciting than the play. Some voices are outstanding, as well as the beauty of Beyoncè Knowles (Diana Ross) and Eddie Murphie wearing a red shining jumpsuit. Not bad, only if the theater is not showing something better on Friday night… ---

Non molto da aggiungere…il film scorre, se non fosse per un sopravvento della musica sulla trama verso la metà. Quando per ogni dialogo sembra che debba partire un pezzo. Ma le canzoni, Soul and R&B, sono forse la cosa migliore. Insieme ad alcune voci nere, alla bellezza di Beyoncè, e al mitico Eddie Murphy, che calza alla perfezione il personaggio (in particolare nella scena in cui prova al piano con tuta rossa in acrilico luccicante). Se non c’è niente di meglio venerdì sera… ---

Thursday, February 1, 2007

L'arte del sogno

by Michel GONDRY. Francia-Italia, 2006.
Gael García Bernal, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Alain Chabat, Miou-Miou, Pierre Vaneck, Emma De Caunes.
Fant., Col., 105 min, distr. Mikado.

Also distributed in:
French - La science des rêves;
English - The Science of Sleep.

Stéphane (Gael García Bernal) is a shy young man who has just moved back to his childhood home in France from his home in Mexico, the birthplace of his deceased father. He goes to work at a novelty calendar company, but finds his job stifles his creativity.
A cute and similarly creative young woman, Stéphanie (Charlotte Gainsbourg), moves across the hall from his apartment, and Stéphane soon finds himself attracted to her. His courtship of her becomes turbulent, as he has a hard time separating his dreams from reality. ---

La "casualità sincronizzata parallela" (Parallel Synchronized Randomness) è quel fenomeno che si verifica quando due menti raggiungono una sorta di accordo profondo che le induce a compiere contemporaneamente e contestualmente le stesse operazioni, un po' come quando ci si incrocia sul marciapiede con un'altra persona e per qualche istante si improvvisa un balletto per decidere chi deve passare a destra e chi a sinistra.
Il concetto costituisce la linea portante di tutto il film.
Lo si capisce a partire dalla scelta dei nomi dei protagonisti, Stéphane e Stéphanie.
Ma anche la vita dei personaggi è condizionata dalla casualità sincronizzata parallela, che li costringe ad una continua rincorsa reciproca fatta di slanci, di dubbi e di rimorsi, in parte dovuti alla patologica difficoltà, propria di Stéphan e trasmessa allo spettatore, di distinguere il reale dal sogno.
Le sequenze oniriche sono realizzate in stop-motion utilizzando materiali poveri come cartone, incarti di caramelle, i pupazzi di pezza costruiti da Stéphanie.
Nel sogno, e nel tentativo di elaborazione mentale della realtà durante il sonno, si trova il più evidente collegamento tra L'arte del sogno e il precedente fortunato film di Gondry, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (sciaguratamente tradotto in italiano con il titolo Se mi lasci ti cancello).

Dopo la morte del padre in Messico, Stéphan torna a Parigi, dove la madre gli ha trovato un lavoro come grafico in una ditta di calendari pubblicitari. Il lavoro si rivela ben presto arido e noioso, e fonte di depressione per Stéphan, dotato di fervida creatività.
La delusione passa in secondo piano quando il protagonista incontra l'amicizia e l'amore della nuova vicina di casa, Stéphanie.
Il rapporto tra i due è però complicato dalla patologica incapacità di Stéphan di distinguere la realtà dai sogni.