Monday, January 15, 2007

Ulysse's Manifesto

Like Homer’s Ulysses, our trip starts in the Mediterranean sea, trying to bridge idioms and cultures. Dante’s Ulysses pursued virtue and knowledge. In a possibly greater challenge, we are going in search for participation, discussion and ideas exchange. We would like to bring our Ulysses beyond the pillars of Hercules and let him know Europe, as James Joyce did. Maybe further.

This is a shared blog. You can post your experiences and thoughts about books, music and other forms of artistic and cultural expression, and also advertise cultural events. In your preferred language. The contents and the style are also free. We just ask you to follow some basic author guidelines to make the post understandable and light.

We are looking forward to seeing this 2007 Ulysses having breath and legs to walk across Europe.


XMen said...

En primer lloc cal felicitar al Triumvirat: és una idea GENIAL i que per si mateixa justifica tot el que es pugui fer i escriure.
Em plantejo però quin tipus de triumvirat sou (tot i que a la declaració d’intencions citeu Homer, Dante i Joyce). Ràpidament em surten: Huey, Dewey and Louie (nebots de l’ànec Donald); Trio de las Azores; Luke, Han Solo i Chewaka; Henry Jones Sr, Henry Jones Jr i Marcus Brody; Andy Summers, Steward Copeland i Gordon Mattthew Sumner-Sting; Churchill, Roosevelt i Stalin; o simplement Marc, Marco i Fra...
Tot i això i provenint del Mediterrani “The Triumvirate” sona un pel estrany (Triumvirátus,-i?). No feu cas, és una gran idea.
Salut i força

Marco Inzitari said...

Que a l'idea segueixin els fets no es automatic...per aixo compto amb el teu contribut, abans que altres projectes et tinguin occupat. Pero llavors tambe', quand no podras tornarte a dormir, podras escriure.


Marc Ambit said...

A mi també em sembla una fantàstica idea.
M'agradaria molt col·laborar-hi humilment.

