Thursday, April 12, 2007

Abortive attempt

Background: this was an experiment on multilingual communication among Europeans
Methods: a blog on books, movies etc, in different languages but with an abstract in english
Results: for lack of time, interest and collaboration, this experimental blog has failed
Discussion: future investigations are needed to assess whether Europeans are not interested in communicating across different Countries

Thank you all for the attention. If somebody will be eventually interested in picking up this heritage is more than welcome.



Lajules said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that. It is quite harsh to name it abortive attempt. I'd rather say that time is short and we're all engaged in keeping alive our own blog toys.

In any case, thanks for your time, Marco.


Marco Inzitari said...

SIIIIIIII! Thank you for expressing your sorrow, guys, but it's ok, maybe someday some of us will start it again. Temporary aborted sounds better?

herdakat said...

Mi scuso con Marco e con i lettori, la mia scarsa presenza su questo blog, è dovuta alla mia scarsa (nulla) fruizione di materiale culturale vario a sua volta dovuta al fatto che (a trentatrè anni) mi sono iscritto all'università e tra saggi, saggetti e libri di testo, mi faccio un culo atomico e l'unica cosa extra che riesco a leggere è l'oroscopo di Internazionale. Spero che presto Ulysses risorga più bello e fico che pria.

Anonymous said...

Ulysses' l(o/a)st chance? I don't think so. The journey from Troy to Ithaca it's about 8 year long...

Anonymous said...

Nous sommes en train de travailler très fort pour reprendre l'esprit do ce blog. C'est un travail d'Atlas. Un Atlas un petit peu particulier. Exactament, un Atles de partícules, un atles particular.

And coming soon... arabic!